Banafsha Oil (Wild Violet Oil):
• Skincare
• Beat muscle and joint inflammation
• Treats headaches
• Stop colds in their tracks
• Treats insomnia
• To ease inflamed skin
• To relieve pain
• It calms coughs and loosens mucus
• It can help to relieve stress
• It can ease depression and anxiety
Some Of The Uses :
Relieves Arthritis
Wild Violet Oil is a very effective natural painkiller and muscle relaxant. It is especially helpful in soothing an aching back, and sore muscles, and melting away a tension headache.
Skin Health
Application of Wild Violet Oil on the skin can relieve ailments of the skin.
Reduces Swelling
Banafsha Oil can be used to reduce swelling and inflammation when massaged into the painful area 3-4 times a day. The next time you have a sprain or painful bruise, try reaching for your bottle of natural oil rather than aspirin and give it a try.
Relieves Injuries
Banafsha Oil is beneficial for relieving injuries.
• Do not use essential oils or absolutes undiluted; do not apply directly on the skin.
• Keep all oils away from the eyes.
• Keep out of the reach of children.
The information is for educational purposes only.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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