Weight Loss Powder
مھزل پوڈر



Weight loss Powder

Powder is a nutritious dietary replacement. It can burn fat and promote less intake of calories and weight control while offering you enough energy and endurance. It is natural, beneficial, and is your healthy choice!

Powder helps in fast Inch loss. You will notice a difference of 2-3 inches within 7 days. The body looks slim so does the face. People start commenting on you. Try it once and see that this is such a high Detox that you will feel very good after consuming inch loss is more than the weight loss.

For people who suffer from a lot of Acidity or hotness in the stomach, for them, this Slimming Powder is very good. Powder is also very good in curing Constipation.


  • Removes Fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Remove Unwanted Toxin
  • Promote Metabolism
  • Solves Constipation
  • Eliminates Unwanted Fat
  • Improves Liver Function
  • Controls Excessive Weight Gains
  • Purify Intestines


1 Teaspoon after Breakfast & 1 Teaspoon before Sleep. Patients who are using any other medications should leave a gap of at least half an hour between the intake of Powder and the other medicines.

Side effects:

Powder is a pure herbal medication prepared from natural ingredients. It does not contain any harsh chemicals. The herbs used in the preparation of this medication are of high quality and standardized. Hence, it is completely safe to use. It does not cause any side effects even when used for the long term.




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مھزل پوڈر”

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